Pick one word on the first of every month. A power word. A motivational word. A word that speaks to you, makes your soul light up. Use your word as a theme for your month.
Small habits like choosing a word of the month can be transformational. Little habits add up to the biggest long-term changes. For more life-changing habits, check out my free mini ebook, 7 Habits That Will Change Your Life.
Shout-out to my mentors (Marlo Higgins + Gloria Atanmo) who first encouraged me to add power words into my life. I hope this power words list finds you well. Pass it on.
Step 1: Pick a Word of The Month
Power Words List:
- Accept
- Accomplish
- Achieve
- Act
- Add
- Advance
- Adventure
- Alive
- Amazing
- Ambitious
- Appreciate
- Ascend
- Attain
- Attitude
- Awake
- Balance
- Be
- Begin
- Believe
- Bliss
- Bold
- Boss
- Bright
- Breakdown
- Build
- Calm
- Catalyst
- Challenge
- Chase
- Clarity
- Commit
- Communicate
- Compassion
- Complete
- Concentrate
- Confident
- Content
- Conquer
- Courage
- Create
- Cultivate
- Dare
- Declutter
- Dedicate
- Decide
- Determination
- Devote
- Dream
- Drive
- Empower
- Encourage
- Endure
- Enjoy
- Enthusiasm
- Envision
- Escape
- Excite
- Expand
- Experience
- Expert
- Explore
- Faith
- Fearless
- Fierce
- Fight
- Finish
- Fire
- Flourish
- Focus
- Forgive
- Free
- Freedom
- Focus
- Forward
- Fulfillment
- Free
- Generous
- Gentle
- Genius
- Give
- Glow
- Grace
- Gratitude
- Grounded
- Grow
- Guts
- Habit
- Harmony
- Heal
- Health
- Higher
- Honesty
- Honor
- Hope
- Humble
- Hunger
- Hustle
- Imagine
- Immerse
- Improve
- Initiation
- Inspire
- Integrity
- Journey
- Joy
- Jump
- Key
- Kind
- Kingdom
- Lead
- Learn
- Legendary
- Live
- Limitless
- Love
- Massive
- Magic
- Meditate
- Mindful
- Mindset
- Mission
- Meaning
- Momentum
- Money
- Money-making
- Motivate
- Motive
- Move
- Nature
- Nourish
- Now
- Nurture
- Obstacles
- Open
- Opportunity
- Optimistic
- Overcome
- Passion
- Patience
- Peace
- Persevere
- Persist
- Persuade
- Plan
- Play
- Positive
- Possibilities
- Power
- Powerful
- Practice
- Pride
- Prioritize
- Prosper
- Purpose
- Quality
- Queen
- Question
- Quiet
- Reach
- Rebrand
- Reflect
- Relax
- Release
- Renew
- Reset
- Retreat
- Revive
- Rise
- Risk
- Role
- Safe
- Satisfaction
- Secure
- Security
- Self
- Self-care
- Self-love
- Self-worth
- Shameless
- Spark
- Speak
- Special
- Spectacular
- Spirit
- Still
- Strength
- Stretch
- Strong
- Success
- Surge
- Sustain
- Surrender
- Teach
- Time
- Today
- Treasure
- Trust
- Truth
- Understand
- Unlimited
- Unity
- Unstoppable
- Value
- Vast
- Versatile
- Vibrant
- Wake
- Wander
- Wealthy
- Will
- Wild
- Willpower
- Winner
- Worthy
- Wondrous
- Wow
- Yearn
- Yes
- YOLO (!!!)
- Zen
- Zest
Step 2: Put Your Word of The Month EVERYWHERE
Make sure you can see your word everyday.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Set a reminder on your phone to get an alarm twice a day
- Set your word as your home screen on your laptop or phone (click here for a free Canva template)
- Put your word of the month on the bathroom mirror
- Write your word every day in your journal
- Say your word out loud in front of a mirror (or sing it, whatever tickles your fancy)
*Bonus* Step 3: Pick an Affirmation or Mantra
I also enjoy adding a monthly Mantra that aligns with my power word. Click here for a list of my favorite affirmations.
Need a reset? Check out my 10 Days to Higher Self workbook to dive deep and realign.
My word of the month this month is Forward and my mantra is I courageously move forward. What is your word of the month? *comment below*