
220+ Word of The Month Ideas

Pick one word on the first of every month. A power word. A motivational word. A word that speaks to you, makes your soul light up. Use your word as a theme for your month.

Small habits like choosing a word of the month can be transformational. Little habits add up to the biggest long-term changes. For more life-changing habits, check out my free mini ebook, 7 Habits That Will Change Your Life.

Shout-out to my mentors (Marlo Higgins + Gloria Atanmo) who first encouraged me to add power words into my life. I hope this power words list finds you well. Pass it on.

Word of The Month - a woman jumping for joy in between trees

Step 1: Pick a Word of The Month

Power Words List:

  1. Accept
  2. Accomplish
  3. Achieve
  4. Act
  5. Add
  6. Advance
  7. Adventure
  8. Alive
  9. Amazing
  10. Ambitious
  11. Appreciate
  12. Ascend
  13. Attain
  14. Attitude
  15. Awake
  16. Balance
  17. Be
  18. Begin
  19. Believe
  20. Bliss
  21. Bold
  22. Boss
  23. Bright
  24. Breakdown
  25. Build
  26. Calm
  27. Catalyst
  28. Challenge
  29. Chase
  30. Clarity
  31. Commit
  32. Communicate
  33. Compassion
  34. Complete
  35. Concentrate
  36. Confident
  37. Content
  38. Conquer
  39. Courage
  40. Create
  41. Cultivate
  42. Dare
  43. Declutter
  44. Dedicate
  45. Decide
  46. Determination
  47. Devote
  48. Dream
  49. Drive
  50. Empower
  51. Encourage
  52. Endure
  53. Enjoy
  54. Enthusiasm
  55. Envision
  56. Escape
  57. Excite
  58. Expand
  59. Experience
  60. Expert
  61. Explore
  62. Faith
  63. Fearless
  64. Fierce
  65. Fight
  66. Finish
  67. Fire
  68. Flourish
  69. Focus
  70. Forgive
  71. Free
  72. Freedom
  73. Focus
  74. Forward
  75. Fulfillment
  76. Free
  77. Generous
  78. Gentle
  79. Genius
  80. Give
  81. Glow
  82. Grace
  83. Gratitude
  84. Grounded
  85. Grow
  86. Guts
  87. Habit
  88. Harmony
  89. Heal
  90. Health
  91. Higher
  92. Honesty
  93. Honor
  94. Hope
  95. Humble
  96. Hunger
  97. Hustle
  98. Imagine
  99. Immerse
  100. Improve
  101. Initiation
  102. Inspire
  103. Integrity
  104. Journey
  105. Joy
  106. Jump
  107. Key
  108. Kind
  109. Kingdom
  110. Lead
  111. Learn
  112. Legendary
  113. Live
  114. Limitless
  115. Love
  116. Massive
  117. Magic
  118. Meditate
  119. Mindful
  120. Mindset
  121. Mission
  122. Meaning
  123. Momentum
  124. Money
  125. Money-making
  126. Motivate
  127. Motive
  128. Move
  129. Nature
  130. Nourish
  131. Now
  132. Nurture
  133. Obstacles
  134. Open
  135. Opportunity
  136. Optimistic
  137. Overcome
  138. Passion
  139. Patience
  140. Peace
  141. Persevere
  142. Persist
  143. Persuade
  144. Plan
  145. Play
  146. Positive
  147. Possibilities
  148. Power
  149. Powerful
  150. Practice
  151. Pride
  152. Prioritize
  153. Prosper
  154. Purpose
  155. Quality
  156. Queen
  157. Question
  158. Quiet
  159. Reach
  160. Rebrand
  161. Reflect
  162. Relax
  163. Release
  164. Renew
  165. Reset
  166. Retreat
  167. Revive
  168. Rise
  169. Risk
  170. Role
  171. Safe
  172. Satisfaction
  173. Secure
  174. Security
  175. Self
  176. Self-care
  177. Self-love
  178. Self-worth
  179. Shameless
  180. Spark
  181. Speak
  182. Special
  183. Spectacular
  184. Spirit
  185. Still
  186. Strength
  187. Stretch
  188. Strong
  189. Success
  190. Surge
  191. Sustain
  192. Surrender
  193. Teach
  194. Time
  195. Today
  196. Treasure
  197. Trust
  198. Truth
  199. Understand
  200. Unlimited
  201. Unity
  202. Unstoppable
  203. Value
  204. Vast
  205. Versatile
  206. Vibrant
  207. Wake
  208. Wander
  209. Wealthy
  210. Will
  211. Wild
  212. Willpower
  213. Winner
  214. Worthy
  215. Wondrous
  216. Wow
  217. Yearn
  218. Yes
  219. YOLO (!!!)
  220. Zen
  221. Zest

Step 2: Put Your Word of The Month EVERYWHERE

Make sure you can see your word everyday.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Set a reminder on your phone to get an alarm twice a day
  • Set your word as your home screen on your laptop or phone (click here for a free Canva template)
  • Put your word of the month on the bathroom mirror
  • Write your word every day in your journal
  • Say your word out loud in front of a mirror (or sing it, whatever tickles your fancy)
Word of the month - flowers

*Bonus* Step 3: Pick an Affirmation or Mantra

I also enjoy adding a monthly Mantra that aligns with my power word. Click here for a list of my favorite affirmations.

Need a reset? Check out my 10 Days to Higher Self workbook to dive deep and realign.

My word of the month this month is Forward and my mantra is I courageously move forward. What is your word of the month? *comment below*