So, you want to teach online but aren’t quite sure which company to go with? I know the feeling. There are SO many companies and ways to teach online nowadays. This blog will go over the positives and negatives of teaching with QKids based on my six months with the company!
The Pros:
1. Flexibility
QKids is SUPER flexible. I set my own permanent schedule and e-mail the class coordinator anytime I wish to change it. Also, once the weekly schedules are posted, I can drop classes within 24 hours.
I’ve dropped a weeks worth of classes to go on vacation and there was no issue. I’ve also dropped a few classes when I wasn’t feeling well. No issues or repercussions for taking time off!
2. QKids Schedules The Classes
On platforms like VIPKid, you are in charge of booking your own classes. It can take weeks to schedule your first class. With QKids, you don’t have to worry about making an attractive profile and marketing yourself! QKids does all the scheduling for you.
3. Provided Lesson Plans
This is my favorite part. After about a month of teaching, I am super comfortable with the lesson plans and content. Therefore, I don’t need to do any prep before lessons. If I have time, I will look through the lessons for about 5 minutes. In that time, I brainstorm ways to expand on the lesson or create more dialogue.
With QKids, the lessons are animated and interesting. There is not much need for elaborate props. QKids does not require that you use props. Although, sometimes I use a simple dry erase board and things around the house to improve my lessons.
4. Friendly Staff
I can honestly say I have never worked for nicer people. The QKids staff is super helpful and professional. They always respond promptly to my questions and concerns. They are kind and understanding when you need to change your schedule or drop classes.
The Cons:
1. Must Live in USA or Canada
Unfortunately, this is a major negative for any nomads out there. If you plan to travel long-term outside the United States in the next 6 months, QKids is not right for you. The contract states you must live and work in the US or Canada. I will not extend my six month contract for this reason.
Don’t worry, there are plenty of companies that you can teach with while traveling! Example: SayABC and VIPKid.
Note: I can’t speak from experience, BUT I know some teachers use VPNs while traveling. I can’t personally say that solution works.
2. Early Hours
If you live on the west coast, QKids might not be right for you. The earliest class could be 3am (depending on daylight savings.) On the other hand, if you live on the east coast, your earliest class could be 6am. I live in Chicago, so my classes start at 5am.
If you don’t mind early mornings, ignore this one!!
3. Rating System
How the parents and students rate your class determines whether you get a $1 bonus for that particular class. In my opinion, this is a negative. Parent’s ratings can be subjective. For instance, I’ve had a couple classes where one student rates high and another rates low on the same exact factor (ex: volume control or teacher talking time).
The company is currently working on a more detailed feedback system, so this could change.
4. Six Hours a Week Minimum
You must be available to work at least 6 hours a week.
Other companies are more flexible and can choose to work only one hour a week or none. During the summer, I am busy with my other jobs, so I would like the flexibility of choosing to have some weeks off.
5. Schedule Consistency
There are high and low seasons. Some weeks your schedule is full and other weeks you may have one or two classes. This is a downfall of the company having control over your schedule.
If you want your sole income to come from teaching online, I suggest applying and working for multiple companies. This way you will not be effected too much by the scheduling inconsistencies.
Ready to Apply?
WAIT! Before you apply: It is easy to be denied for simple mistakes on your application and throughout your interview process, read 5 Step Guide to Getting Hired With QKids (+FAQs) to ensure you get hired quick and easy!
Want help with the hiring process? Email me at he***@co*****************.com, DM me @courtneytheexplorer, or comment below if you have further questions!
My referral code is LOKGOR. 🙂
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