What the hell is an astrocartography or a locational astrology reading? It’s an astrology reading to help clients with their plans for travel or relocation. Readings help identify where the best places for you to live and travel. For example, you feel the urge to move, but not quite sure what state or country to move to? Or, you feel a connection and pull towards going to a certain country and want to know why? These are some reasons people go to Astrocartographers.
Why I Wanted An Astrography Reading
In this blog, I’m going to share my detailed experience and my biggest takeaways during my reading. Firstly, I wanted to see where my energy would be best in Asia. When I first contacted her, I was unsure what country I wanted to teach in. I had her look up Thailand, Bali, and South Korea and see where my energy best fit. Secondly, I wanted to get some insight on why I am drawn to like cities like Cali, Colombia, Chicago, USA, and Antigua, Guatemala. I did not include everything in this blog (only the most interesting stuff), so if you are interested in my complete experience, let me know!

Before our reading, Diana sent me multiple maps with planetary lines, lines that indicate the areas of the world that were heavily influenced by the planets at the time of your birth. In addition, she sent me descriptions under each map to explain the meaning behind each one. An astrologer, like Diana, can give you a clearer idea of how different parts of the world will affect you.
“You are a citizen of the world”- Diana
My planetary lines go through every single continent and almost every single country in the world. First, she explained this might be the reason why I feel the pull to travel. She has done a lot of readings in the past and claimed she had never seen anything like this before. Usually client’s maps favor certain regions of the world.
I am a white American and for some reason all my life, I’ve felt this connection and fascination with other cultures. It’s a pull that I can’t always articulate. When Diana said, “you are a citizen of the world,” I had a mind shift. I know I am on the right path.
Why do I keep coming back to Chicago?
I’m from the suburbs of Chicago, but I’ve been living in the city for 5 years on and off while traveling. I always seem to come back even after promising I never will.
Diana’s notes explained, “The MC line represents the realization of lifetime goals and the safeguarding of important social standing. Traditional value systems lose their meaning, your ideals dissolve and your ideas of success or a career start to transform. You feel manipulated and rebel against all expectations in search of your own destiny. You experience an increase in energy as well as recognition and acceptance.“
I’ve experienced a lot of growth in Chicago. After running out of money in Central America, it felt nice to have a safety net and be able to come back home to Chicago. It’s true my ideals have changed and my definition of success has changed over the years. The Midwestern idea of success is making money, starting a family, having a nice car, and vacationing a couple times a year. Ever since I realized I want to vacation year-round, Chicago has not felt home to me. Although, it is true, I experience positive energy and acceptance from friends and acquaintances in Chicago. Coworkers often praise my lifestyle and I get to inspire a lot of people one-on-one.
It affirmed my pull to live in South Korea.
I’ve known that I am suppose to go to South Korea for over a year. I met this older guy in Ecuador that had just come from teaching in South Korea. After that, I knew I would go and teach there. Yes, I’m impulsive. But sometimes I just know. A couple weeks into Chicago winter, I doubted South Korea. I heard that there are harsh winters and wanted nothing to do with cold weather. Later on, I went to meet with an advisor from my TEFL certification school. I met an employee there who taught in Busan, South Korea. He mentioned the hip-hop culture and cool vibes of the city and I was immediately sold. THIS is where I’m suppose to be, I thought.

During my astrocartography reading, Diana reaffirmed my strong feeling to go to Busan. She explained I will find luck and happiness. My reading said, “there is hardly a better place in terms of partnerships, friendships and love. This is the perfect place to create something new or to expose yourself. You should actively use your talents. You will be treated seriously and held in high regard. Your participation in community projects will be actively sought. Your enthusiastic involvement will be multifaceted and creatively innovative. Whether you like it or not, it is here that you will be required to demonstrate your strength and uniqueness to the world.”
Busan is a great city for my career growth.
In conclusion, her astrocartography reading translated that Busan will be a great city for my career growth as a blogger and entrepreneur. I want to be in a city that fuels my energy to create. *excited screams*
She explained, “It is a good place to commence therapy or psychoanalysis, because it is easy for you to discuss your problems and emotions. The positive energy of this placement can assist in the intellectual discussions about unconscious, psychological themes. I’ve been interested in getting therapy for awhile. For instance, I have been feeling anxious lately and stuff my emotions onto the bottom of my priority list. I was excited to hear Busan would be a good place for therapy and working through some unresolved internal conflicts.
In addition, she looked at Thailand and Indonesia and didn’t get a strong reading. These are places EVERYONE tells me I need to go. They are hot spots in the travel blogging and backpacker world right now. For some reason, even after seeing the beautiful pictures, I knew in my gut they were not where I am meant to live and teach next year.
Final Thoughts
Overall, she spent almost an hour going over different countries and cities of the world. I took a deep breath after the reading. I felt content and at peace. It is crazy how we have natural instincts and our body and mind tell us where we need to be and what we need to do. Sometimes we choose to listen and sometimes we shut them out. Therefore, screw everyone that thinks you are crazy, listen to that voice inside of you. Go where your mind and body are pulling you to go.
Special thanks to my friend, Diana. Below is her contact. If you are unsure where to live or need guidance in your next trip, I recommend her services.
Diana’s Info:

Instagram: @dianamarciel (the link to her services is in her bio)